Scientific Disclosure

16) García Merino JA, Moreno-Pérez D, Montalvo-Lominchar MG, De Lucas-Moreno B, González-Soltero R, Larrosa M. La ingesta de cacao alto en flavonoides disminuye la grasa visceral y corporal en personas sanas modificando el ratio folistatina/miostatina. XIII Congreso Internacional de Nutrición, Alimentación y Dietética. 03/04/2019- 04/04/2019.

15) Tabone MA, Montalvo-Lominchar MG, Bailén M, Bressa C, Larrosa M, González-Soltero R. Correlaciones entre los genotipos del gen ApoE y la composición de la microbiota intestinal en población española: estudio piloto. XIII Congreso Internacional de Nutrición, Alimentación y Dietética. 03/04/2019- 04/04/2019.

14) Mendez-Figueroa V, Blanco-Fernández A, Larrosa M, González-Soltero R. Propuesta de plan de intervención para el manejo de la microbiota intestinal en pacientes con Anorexia nerviosa. XIII Congreso Internacional de Nutrición, Alimentación y Dietética. 03/04/2019- 04/04/2019.

13) Sánchez I, Iturriaga T, Domínguez R, Sanz V, Pérez M, Ferrer A, Larrosa M, Maté Muñoz JL. Lifestyle and body composition in active and non-active women. X International symposium of updates on strength training. Madrid, 15-16 December 2017. Organizer: National Strength and Conditioning Association.

12) Cordova-Moreno ITS, González-Laredo RF, Moreno-Jiménez MR, Cervantes-Cardoza V, Larrosa M, Gallegos-Infante JA, Rocha-Guzmán NE. Bioaccessibility and prebiotic effect of Nutraceutical Fraction obtained from coffee leaves. Second Latin American Congress of Pharmacogenomics and Personalized Medicine. October 25-28, 2017, Durango, Mexico.

11) Moreno-Perez D, Larrosa M, Pérez-Ruiz M, Naclerio F. A post-workout blend beef and whey protein beverage promote better body composition changes ingested only carbohydrate in cross country running athletes. 22nd Annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science. 5-8 / 07/2017. University of Ruhr, Germany.

10) Pérez-Santiago, J; Bressa, C; Bailén, M; González-Soltero, R; Pérez, M; Larrosa, M. The proportion of proteins in the diet influences the diversity of the intestinal microbiota. XI International Congress of Food, Nutrition and Dietetics. 5-6 April 2017. Oral Communication. Access of the Congress. Published in special issue of the journal «Clinical Nutrition and Hospital Dietetics» ISSN: 1989-208X.

9) Herrera-Rocha K, Esteban-Martínez I, Montalvo-Lominchar MG, García-Merino JA, Moreno-Jiménez MR, Larrosa M. Cacao rich in flavonoids ¿possible ergogenic complement for athletes ?. XII International Congress of Nutrition, Food and Dietetics. 11/04 / 2018- 04/12/2018. Spanish Society of Dietetics and Food Sciences. Published in special issue of the journal «Clinical Nutrition and Hospital Dietetics» ISSN: 1989-208X.

8) Tabone MA, Bailén M, Hamed-Bousdar S, Bressa C, Larrosa M, González-Soltero M. Interactions between microbiota, lipid intake and energy expenditure: search for genetic markers of diagnostic interest. XII International Congress of Nutrition, Food and Dietetics. 11/04 / 2018- 04/12/2018. Spanish Society of Dietetics and Food Sciences. Published in special issue of the journal «Clinical Nutrition and Hospital Dietetics» ISSN: 1989-208X.

7) García-Merino, JA; Moreno-Pérez, D; Montalvo-Lominchar, MG; Pérez, M; Naclerio, F; Larrosa, M. Chronic supplementation with cocoa high in procyanidins increases muscle mass and decreases body fat in endurance athletes. XII International Congress of Nutrition, Food and Dietetics.11 / 04 / 2018- 12/04/2018. Spanish Society of Dietetics and Food Sciences. Published in special issue of the journal «Clinical Nutrition and Hospital Dietetics.» ISSN: 1989-208X.

6) Barrón-Chairez E, Rocha-Guzmán NE, Larrosa M, Cervantes-Cardoza V, Moreno Jiménez MR, Gallegos-Infante JA, Macias-Salas A, González-Laredo RF. The infusion of Quercus convallata and its fermented kombucha decrease kidney damage associated with obesity. 3rd International Congress of Functional and Nutraceutical Foods, June 20-22, Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico 2018.

5) Velázquez-Jiménez I, Rocha-Guzmán NE, Larrosa M, Moreno Jiménez MR, Gallegos-Infante JA, Macias-Salas A, González-Laredo RF. Coffee leaves (Coffea spp.): Their physiological response in endurance sports. 3rd International Congress of Functional and Nutraceutical Foods. Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico. June 20-22. 2018.

4) Herrera-Rocha KM, Larrosa M, Rocha-Guzmán NE, Gallegos-Infante JA, González-Laredo RF, Moreno-Jiménez MR. Effect of cocoa on the production of short chain fatty acids of probiotic strains. 3rd International Congress of Functional and Nutraceutical Foods, June 20-22, Mazatlan, Sinaloa, Mexico 2018.

3) Tabone MA, Larrosa M, Ten GG, Antúnez-Almagro C, Bailén M, Bressa C, González-Soltero R, Pérez M, Castellanos N. Unraveling the gut microbiota interactions in sedentary lifestyle. Modeling the Mammalian-Microbiota Host Superorganism, October 15-16, Pasteur Institute, Paris, France. 2018.

2) García-Merino J, Moreno-Pérez D, Montalvo MG, Sánchez L, Muñoz E, Pérez M, Larrosa M. Supplementation with cocoa increases folistatin levels by decreasing body fat in athletes. Oral communication XVII International Congress of the Spanish Society of Sports Medicine. 29, 30 November and 1 December 2018. Toledo, Spain.

1) Larrosa M. Invited paper: Modification of the intestinal microbiota: another piece in the puzzle of the benefits of physical exercise in health. XVII International Congress of the Spanish Society of Sports Medicine. 29, 30 November and 1 December 2018. Toledo, Spain.