
Members belonging to the MASmicrobiota research team (2019)

Mar Larrosa is the principal investigator of the MASmicrobiota group and Professor of Food Biotechnology. LdaBsc. Iin Biological Sciences from the (University of Murcia), she completed carried out her Doctoral Thesis at the CEBAS-CSIC of Murcia, obtaining the highest grade Cum Laude Outstanding unanimously with the mention of ‘European Doctor’ and the Extraordinary Doctorate Award.

Later he made aShe did postdoctoral stay at the University of Florence (Italy), where she became familiar with focused in studying  the role of polyphenols and their metabolites in intestinal inflammation, and the possible role of the microbiota using the work in animals and cell models to study the possible role of polyphenols and their metabolites in intestinal inflammation, and the possible role of the microbiota in is. In 2021 she joined the Universidad Complutense de Madrid where she directed his her research line to study the important significant role of lifestyle (diet and physical exercise) in health, deepening into its microbiota impact on inflammation markers of inflammation and oxidative stress and in the intestinal microbiota . All his her research work is reflected in a total of 83 publications in journals of high impact index. He She has actively participated in more than 40 competitive projects and in numerous non-competitive research projects with companies., the Her scientific results of which have been presented at national and international conferences.

Departamento: Nutrición y Ciencia de los Alimentos

Facultad: Farmacia

Área: Nutrición y Bromatología



Rocío González Soltero holds a graduate degree in Biology from the University of Extremadura (1997-2002) with End of Career Award and Extraordinary Bachelor’s Award. Upon completion of studies, she obtains a CSIC research grant for students in their final year at the Department of Microbial Biotechnology of the National Center for Research and Biotechnology. In January 2003, he was awarded an FPU scholarship to carry out his research. Her PhD was done in the Area of Genetics (Microbial Genetics) of the University of Extremadura, defending this doctoral thesis in March 2007. During her doctoral thesis, she carried out two research stays, a national one, in the Department of Genetics of the University of Cantabria (financed by the Spanish Society of Genetics) and another international one, in the University of Minnesota, USA.

In April 2007 she got a PostDoctoral position in the Biocomputation Unit of the Department of Macromolecule structure of the National Biotechnology Center-CSIC, initially with a PostDoctoral contract funded by the CAM and, from January 2009 to September 2010, after winning a Postdoctoral contract «Sara Borrel”. During this period, she moved between two research centers: CNB-CSIC and Centro Nacional of Oncological Research (CNIO). She did several research interships at the following centres: IRB-Barcelona, Institute Curie (Paris),Göttingen University (Germany) and CIC-Biogune (Bilbao, Spain).

In September 2010 she was hired as an Adjunct Professor at the European University of  Madrid and in May 2014, obtains the position of Associate Professor in Molecular Genetics in that university. During these years he has combined teaching and research tasks participating in numerous research projects (3 of them being the IP). In the year 2012 visited the University of Roskilde (Denmark) and in 2017 the University of Newcastle, UK, a center of Excellence in Medical Education.

She is accredited by the ANECA in the figure of Assistant Professor Doctor and by the ACAP, in the figures of Contracted Professor Doctor and Professor of Private University.



Carlo Bressa is a associate professor and researcher in the Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. He holds a Bachelor of Pharmacy from the Universitá degli Studi di Padova (Italy) and Doctor of Chemistry from the University of La Laguna (Spain). As a postdoctoral researcher He he has carried out the Postdoctorate worked at with the Biocatalysis and Technical Biology Research Group at the University of Cape Town of the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (South Africa) and is an Adjunct Professor at the European University (Spain). Currently his research lines of research include the analysis of the data of massive sequencinmicrobiota metagenomic data g applied to the microbiota and teaching innovation. He is the author of communications and papers presented at national and international conferences and articles publications in specialized scientific journals.,  some of which can be found at:


Orcid Code:

Researcher ID   H-6012-2012 / Scopus Author ID   6603369344

María Bailén Andrino is a «Profesor Ayudante Doctor» in the Department of Microbiology at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. She obtained her Degree in Pharmacy from in the Complutense University of Madrid and Doctorated in Microbiology and Parasitology in the Autonomous University of Madrid. Her research lines of research are: Natural products with antimicrobial activity and biopesticides; Human microbiota. She is the author of more than 35 communications and papers presented at national and international conferences, and 18 collaborations in the form of book chapters and articles in scientific journals.


Researcher ID:  14008361100 / Orcid Code:   0000-0001-5201-906X

Sara Martínez: Professor and researcher of the Department of Pharmacy, Biotechnology, Optics and Nutrition (European University of Madrid). She has a degree in Chemistry (University of Murcia) and a PhD in Pharmacy (Complutense University of Madrid). Her research lines are the study of the health effects of bioactive ingredients and their bioavailability, carrying out clinical studies of nutritional intervention. To date, she has participated in various projects and contracts with companies, obtaining a scientific production of more than 15 publications in specialized scientific journals and participation in more than 10 conferences.

Mariangela Tabone: Associated professor at the Universidad Europe de Madrid and researcher at the Department of Basic Biomedical Sciences. Degree in Biotechnology from the Universitá degli Studi di Palermo (Italy) and Doctor in Molecular Biociences from the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain). She has completed her PhD at the National Biotechnology Center (Madrid), in the Department of Microbial Biotechnology and she is currently a member of the MAS microbiota Laboratory. Her research lines include the study of genetic markers of diagnostic interest and the correlations between metaboloma and microbiota. She is the author of communications and papers presented at national and international conferences and articles in scientific journals, some of which can be found at: orcid: 0000-0003-2688-6922


Fabio Cafini: Professor and researcher of the department of basic biomedical sciences at the Universidad Europea de Madrid. Bachelor in Biological Sciences and Doctor of Medicine from the Complutense University of Madrid, he has carried out his postdoctoral research in the medical faculty of the UCM and in the medical faculty of the University of Tsukuba (Japan). He is currently an adjunct professor at EMU. He is the author of more than 40 publications in scientific journals, including topics such as treatment of respiratory infections and antibiotic resistance. At present, his line of research is oriented towards the role of the intestinal microbiota and its relationship with the central nervous system.

Beatriz de Lucas Moreno: Postdoctoral researcher in the Universidad Europea de Madrid. Doctor in Biomedicine and Health Sciences in the Universidad Europea de Madrid (2018) and graduated in Health Biology, from the University of Alcalá (2013). Her Doctoral Thesis dealt with the study of the migration of adult stem cells. To date, she has participated in various projects and in the publication of scientific articles in international journals, as well as in the realization of a chapter for a book of protocols. She has attended several congress and conferences. Her current line of research focus on the influence of nutrition and physical exercise on gastrointestinal health and microbiota.

Código ORCID    0000-0002-2852-0118.

Researcher ID    P-1378-2019 / Scopus Author ID:    56658764800.

José Ángel García Merino: Doctor in Sport Sciences at the Universidad Europea de Canarias. He has a predoctoral grant (FPU) from the Ministry of Education and Culture. Graduated in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences (Universidad Europea de Madrid) and Official Master’s Degree in Physical Activity and Health (Real Madrid University School – European University). In his first stage as a researcher, he has worked in the application of exercise programs to improve the health of different populations and diseases. Currently, it belongs to the MAS (Microbiota, Food and Health) research group of the Universidad Europea de Madrid, studying the effect of the polyphenols present in cocoa in the intestinal microbiota of athletes. He is the author of communications presented both in scientific dissemination days and in international conferences.

orcid      0000-0003-1824-6028

Diego Domínguez Balmaseda: Associate Professor and researcher of the Department of Physiotherapy in the Universidad Europea de Madrid (SPAIN). Degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences at the University of Alcalá de Henares, and at the Università degli Studi di Roma «Foro Italiaco» (Italy). Graduated in Physiotherapy from the Camilo José Cela University (SPAIN). Currently his carrying out a PhD related to sports performance and intestinal microbiota.


Sara Clemente Velasco es a profesora de la Universidad Europea de Madrid e Investigadora Predoctoral en el proyecto Proyecto TREAT: Diseño de suplemenTos personalizados basados en la micRobiota intestinal de enfermos de Alzheimer mediante análisis de rEdes e intTeligencia Artificial (TREAT).

Posee un Grado en Biología Sanitaria por la Universidad de Alcalá y un Máster en Neurociencias por la Universidad Europea de Madrid. Actualmente es profesora asociada al departamento de Odontología Preclínica.


Arantxa Fernández Romero studied the Higher Technician Training Cycle in Analysis and Quality Control Laboratory DUAL modality in the I.E.S. Virgen de la Paloma (Madrid), carrying out the internship for a year at the Institute of Research in Food Sciences (CIAL-CSIC) in the Functional Biology group of Lactic Bacteria. Currently, she is a Laboratory Technician in the research group of Dr. Mar Larrosa at the Universidad Europea de Madrid, where she is in charge of performing techniques related to microbiota and health.